Day 1.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I have been struggling with finding my identity. With finding who I am. Where do I belong? Where do I go? What is next? Am I really fulfilling my purpose?

I am a few classes away from graduating undergrad and I am quickly discovering that my passion is You. You are placing something so strong and so heavy on my heart. That is bible college. Why am I so scared?

You are so much love and light. You will watch over me. I finally feel that I am getting closer to my purpose but also so much further because that’s what it feels like when you are finally pursuing your path.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for this day. Thank You for watching over me, guiding me, lifting me up, leading me down Your righteous path. Not only are You the leader for me, but for this world that You hold. Thank You for choosing us to get to know You. I am so blessed and thankful to know You. If it were not for You, there would be no life or light. I pray that You continue to speak to me and reveal my direction to me as I prepare myself for a journey that was not on the path I wrote for myself. I am not sure when I decided to go against the path You had planned for me, but I am ready to come full speed to Your path as Your path is the only path I want to follow. I love You so much and I cannot wait to experience this new journey I am on with You.

In Jesus’ name,



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